Saturday, July 1, 2017

Officially on the Loser's Bench

Well, I did it!

Three days ago I had my surgery. No looking back now. This shit just got real, people.

It's a little weird. In some respects I was thinking I'd be feeling "different" about this whole experience. Not quite sure I know what that even means but perhaps I thought there should be some big epiphany going on here that I should be documenting. The most exciting thing I really have to document is that I actually took a poop this morning. Or maybe not so much a poop, but more like a lava flow from my ass. I'm going to consider that progress. TMI??? Sorry but this is real life as I now know it. And when it comes to weight loss surgery, being able to poop so soon after the operation is the freaking holy grail.

After my surgery on Wednesday I was expecting to go home on Thursday afternoon. I was kept in the hospital an additional night because I had horrific nausea and couldn't really take in liquids, or keep them down when I actually tried. It was extremely disheartening, but even as I laid in my hospital bed feeling like shit warmed over, never did I think, "Why did I do this to myself?" If I'm lucky, I won't ever have those thoughts.

I woke up yesterday morning feeling 1000 times better than the previous day. It was like the sun, moon and stars had finally aligned and I could now get on with the healing end of this procedure. I was discharged yesterday early afternoon and came home feeling confident that I could do this. I slept well last night and now this morning I am back at it - sipping like champ and trying to keep what goes in from coming out the other end. Goal for today is simply not to become dehydrated!

I'm happy to not be gagging on my Premier protein shake. I've heard some people really hate what they used to like but so far the chocolate still tastes good to me. Thank God because I have a whole case of the stuff out in my refrigerator!

There are some weird sensations/pain when I seem to swallow too much liquid but other than that, I feel ok. Sure it feels a bit like Mike Tyson went a few rounds on my gut but over all I feel like I should be back to some semblance of normalcy in a week or so.

I haven't weighed myself yet and am wondering if I should just wait until my post-op check in on July 6th. I won't say I'm not curious if I lost anything, but  the reality is I probably haven't. I'm still filled with gas and swollen/bloated from the surgery itself. It takes a bit of time for all that crap to work itself out of your system. I never loved farting so much in my entire life. No lie.

Not much else to report...I'm just a girl sitting around trying to sip, sip, sip. I AM looking forward to showering today. That much I know. I am starting to feel a little homeless, if you know what I mean. But that's it - mini goals for today: hydrate, shower, hydrate, walk, hydrate. All day long, hydrate. It's my new mantra.

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